A fully equipped air-conditioned workplace that is able to perform precise measurements on coordinated measuring machines, based both on classic drawing documentation and CAD models. This involves measuring the shape errors of rotation components, measuring complete edge parameters and surface structures, etc. A calibration laboratory is also a part of the workplace and is connected with national traceable standards for calibration of the length gauges used in the workshop.


Coordinate measuring machines (Nikon group)

  • LK Integra 10.7.6. (measuring range 1 000 x 700 x 600 mm)
  • LK G90C (measuring range 600 x 500 x 400 mm)

Roundness measurements

  • Mitutoyo Roundtest RA 2200
  • ​Aquastyl MUK-V 300PC

Profilometer (contour measurements)

  • Mahr MarSurf XCR 20 with roughness measuring

Length measurements

  • Zeiss
  • S.I.P.

Plus a range of equipment and devices for calibration of gauges