If you are interested in cooperation, do not hesitate to contact us.
Company headquarters
Znojemská 5594 / 54
586 01 Jihlava
Česká Republika
IČ: 46347071
DIČ: CZ46347071
Human Resources Department
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Brno, on 30 April 1992, section B, insert 767
The annual report and other documents are available in publicly accessible registers on the Internet or at the company’s registered office.
Sales Department
Purchasing department
Company Management
Mgr. Karel Řezníček
Managing Director
Ing. Jan Svoboda
Logistics Director
Vladimír Bednář
Production Director
Michal Flídr
Financial Director
Ing. Jaroslav Berka
Techical Director
Ing. Petr Lízal
Sales Director